Upcoming Events
Dr. Phinney and Dr. Ward have facilitated numerous workshops for teachers in Montessori and contemporary school settings as well as community groups interested in education. If you are interested in having us do a workshop for you, click here for a list of possible topics.
The Montessori Event: The American Montessori Society Conference
Finding the Light: Social Justice Awareness Through Children’s Literature
Participants in this 90-minute workshop will explore the developmental continuum of language and literacy as tools to gain insight into the continuum of social justice. Hands-on activities will model differentiating instruction in social justice exploration while supporting readers in engagement, comprehension and language-to-print skills and processes. Participants will leave with resources and ideas to plan rich literacy experiences that support their students’ developing concepts of equity inclusion and diversity including the intersection with social justice.
Celebrating our Montessori Children Conference 2024: Montessori’s Gift of Joyful Learning
Joy in Exploring ‘the Big Questions’ through Literacy
Participants will experience the joy of the Montessori Cosmic Curriculum in which language in the context of literature is a tool for exploring “the big questions” that connect us to our physical, social and inner worlds. Strategies suggested and experienced in the workshop to support these investigations lend themselves to differentiating instruction as well as inviting students to use critical and creative thinking skills and language skills to make connections between multiple disciplines. (E1, E2 and Early Adolescent teachers)
AMS 2023 Traveling Symposium: Regional Tours
Action Research: A Tool for Transformation
Action research is a tool modeled by Maria Montessori whereby one uses systematic observation to identify needs, implement a plan of positive change and reflect on the results to inform one’s next action plan. In this spotlight presentation, Dr. Gay Ward will use case studies to demonstrate how action research can aide reflective Montessori practitioners in transforming their curriculum and physical and social environments to realize positive change in classrooms, schools and communities.
AMS 2023 Traveling Symposium: Regional Tour Dates
October 14: Tacoma, WA
October 21: Livermore, CA
November 4: Denver, CO
November 11: Dallas, TX
December 2: Philadelphia, PA